Holiday Havoc
Everyone loves a good holiday. A break from it all with your friends or family, but we also have the frustration of packing. Now if you've ever packed for a holiday then you'll know just how daunting a task it is. All of a sudden you've gone from being a normal person to a Tetris master, a weather man and you're prepared for a zombie apocalypse!
Lets start with the first issue, usually you'd be the kind of person that would overload draws when tidying and half the contents of your wardrobe on your floor but when going on holiday you simply can't do that. All of a sudden you have 1 suitcase that needs to contain enough clothes to last you 2 weeks! Sure that doesn't sound too hard but then you realise that little black dress that you love would be perfect for a meal out but not necessarily a day at the beach. There's now 2 outfits for one day, not to mention that the weather can be so unpredictable that shorts and a short aren't always a safe option.

That brings us to our second issue, becoming weather men. Okay so your expecting to go to sunny Spain and the weather man tells you it's going to be a scorching 37 degrees. However you get there and although its relatively warm, it's also lashing it down. So you can't go out because you didn't bring a coat or any shoes other than flip flops! Now your exotic retreat from your stressful life is ruined and you say inside doing exactly the same as you'd be doing at home.
Finally, over packing for every single possibility. Now if your anything like me you don't want to risk not having something when you'd need it. For example: in my carry on bag I would take everything from calpol sachets to an umbrella to a colouring book and pens. Nothing is unnecessary. I would even bring a large bottle of water knowing it'd be taken off me at customs. Why do I do this? I have no idea, but I always do and I always regret it. So now I'm gonna ask, do you have any of these issues or are there any others you know about. Please let me know and look out for more content.
Have a great day!
Ash x
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